About Mr_Right

My Undernet #sex Channel Story

Hi! My name is mr_right. #sex is coming back. This channel has quite a history, which I won't go into fully here, but I will tell you about my involvement with it over time.

I first came on IRC around 1995. I was disabled after coming back from the Gulf War, and had left the US Navy. I lived in a tiny town in North-Central Arkansas, and had nothing to do 99% of the time. Then I found out about IRC, and the Undernet. I didn't even have internet access at the time, and ended up being accepted in a beta test of a 1-800 dial up service all the way over in New Jersey. One of the first channels I entered was #sex, and I was very surprised. I had spent a little time in other Adult channels, and was very much turned off by them. Nasty stuff, everywhere; rude people, things I didn't want to think about, spammers, flooders, you name it. #sex was different – it was orderly, welcoming and fun! They had good operators (Ops), a great bunch of regular channel users, and simple rules.

I started coming back again and again, and became a channel regular. At some point, they offered me Ops. Now, I had no idea how to be an Op at that point. I remember Striker and Steele (and others) being very patient with me as they taught me the basics. Before I knew it, I was banning and kicking and warning like a champ (and not always in that order ;p).

I don't remember what my nickname was when I first showed up in the channel – it could have been al'thor, perrin or rand (I had a Wheel of Time thing going on back then). At some point it became mr_right. I think I changed my nick as a response to a joke or comment from Sambuca (another channel regular) and it just stuck.

I ended up leaving IRC somewhere around 2000 – my memory is a bit hazy as I changed jobs a couple times and did cross-country moves.

I've been on and off IRC a number of times since then. I most recently came back several months ago, and I saw a few nicks that spurred my memories of the old #sex channel. I popped into #sex, and started asking around about the owner, etc. I hung out in the channel for several days until I finally met the current owner, and we started chatting.

Now I'm an Op in #sex (again!), and am attempting to bring the channel back. I would love to hook up with some of the old #sex peeps and see how we all progressed since then.

Huge news – I just become the official channel manager of #sex. 5/21/2022. The previous owner decided she had no more interest in owning it, and gave it to me.