Hey! Thanks for reading this post. I'll show you a few things you can do in #sex, just for fun 🙂


While not meant to be fun, it is pretty important. All users should review the rules at least once. The rules are sent to you in a private message.


Girlnicks can get voice (+nick) by typing !girl. Type it again to remove the plussie (+).


Note: Trivia has moved to a new channel. If you want to play, /join #sextrivia. Same rules in there as in #sex. 

If Trivia is not running, you can restart it by typing !trivia. It stops after 6 unanswered questions. Type !commands to see the various Trivia-related commands. Please don't play with the !trivia command – it becomes annoying to people who are playing. Trivia is currently set to show a new question after three minutes, with a 30 second delay between the hints.

!seen nickname

As you can probably guess, this will show you when that Nickname was last seen in the channel. !seen returns the info in a notice, so depending on your client config you may need to look in your server or status window.

!w cityname will show you the (reasonably) current weather for your city, or any city in the world. Only larger cities are supported. Example: !w chicago

!sign <your sign> will return your Horoscope for the day. You can also do !love, !money, !health and !career. Type !sign help for some info.  Example: !taurus or !sign taurus or !health taurus.

!time cityname or countryname will give you the current Time information for that city or country. If you use a Country, it will return the time for the Capitol city.


!ping returns your ping times from both MonaLott and wenchie. This is a good way to see if you are lagging or not.

New! YouTube Title and Stats

Dropping a youtube.com URL into the channel will now return the video Title and stats, similar to:

<@MonaLott> [YouTube] Title: Cries for the lonely – Southern Empire | Uploaded by: Giovane Mendes | Length: 19m14s | Date: 24/05/2019 | Views: 10,274 | Like: 165 – [11774]

You can also do a YouTube search by typing: !yt search terms, e.g.

!yt southern empire forest fire

which will return the title and stats along with the link to the video:

[YouTube] Title: SOUTHERN EMPIRE – FOREST FIRE | Uploaded by: Southern Empire | Length: 7m39s | Date: 28/10/2015 | Views: 30,426 | Like: 338 | Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66qFLt_9QjI – [11778] –

Please don't abuse the YouTube functions. If you do, you will get a warning. It's for convenience – not for being an IRC DJ 🙂