Welcome to the #sex Channel Website!

The #sex channel, originally created so many years ago by an amazing Undernet admin and developer nicknamed ‘Striker', was one of the original channels on Undernet. Striker knew that there would be a huge demand for a channel where free expression was allowed and encouraged.  Together with his girlfriend “Steele”, they launched the channel as what I remember was the first permanent “adult” channel on the Undernet.

This was back when Undernet didn't have X, or even W – X's precursor. It really was the wild wild west. Striker developed a channel management bot named Don Matteo, referred to as simply “Don” in the channel. To get Ops, we would enter “don hitme”. It was a lot of fun.

It didn't take long for the channel to take off. Within a few months it enjoyed a large group of regular visitors, and was truly a place of great fellowship and fun. The channel was positioned as a place to chat with other adults, without all the serious nastiness of some other channels. They had strict rules about behavior, and that kept the channel clean and open 99% of the time. While discussion of sex was obviously allowed, it wasn't the sole focus of the channel.

Today, the #sex channel is managed by ‘mr_right', another long time Undernet user, and an Op in #sex in the 1990s – read about his involvement.

So, come in and find your pleasure – just follow the rules.


Channel Purpose

The #sex channel is an 18+ adult chat channel. It is a space for adults only – no underage nicknames or behaviors are allowed. While “Sex” is the channel name, any topic is certainly welcome, as long as it does not violate the rules (politics, religion, underage, pedo behaviors, abuse, etc). See the rules in the right sidebar. See the blog posts below for more info on the channel and the various utilities we offer (horoscopes, weather, etc). We currently offer an excellent Trivia game in another channel – #sextrivia. MonaLott is the main Bot for the channel, along with X, and wenchie is the “utility” bot. Neither MonaLott nor wenchie engage in roleplay 🙂

The real purpose of the #sex channel is to have a place for adults to chat without the spam, constant roleplay request posts, and the less savory topics that seem to plague other adult channels today. There are plenty of channels where virtually anything goes – you can escape all of that in #sex.

Channel Topic: Welcome to #sex! Type !rules to read them. 18+ Adult Chat – no underage nicks allowed. Friendly chat, Trivia, Roleplay – enjoy!

Guidelines for Ops in #sex

Consistency is key. Please read, learn, and follow these guidelines. I fully understand that Opping in any channel puts you into a dynamic situation - that's why these are guidelines and not hard and fast rules. We should all strive to remain consistent in how we...

mIRC scripting for !seen and !ip utilities on wenchie

The easiest way to use !seen and !ip is to add the commands to your NickList in mIRC (or any compatible IRC client that allows scripting). These allow you to right-click a nickname and send the commands to wenchie without having to open a query window and type the...

Ops and Voice Users (Bot users) on #sex

MonaLott MonaLott is the main channel protection bot. She uses a very comprehensive script called "BlackTools". Note: MonaLott will automatically recognize you by your host mask. If you can't get Ops or Voice, check your host and log into X, or reconnect to IRC as...

Info for #sex channel users

Hey! Thanks for reading this post. I'll show you a few things you can do in #sex, just for fun 🙂 !rules While not meant to be fun, it is pretty important. All users should review the rules at least once. The rules are sent to you in a private message. !girl Girlnicks...

How to find #sex on Undernet

Easy-peasy! Connect to the Undernet network (using mIRC, or most IRC clients):

/server irc.undernet.org 6667

after you are connected, type:

/join #sex

In the channel, type:


And be welcome 🙂

List of Undernet Servers: https://www.undernet.org/servers.php

Download mIRC: https://www.mirc.com/get.html

Getting Started with mIRC: https://www.mirc.com/install.html


IRC Shell Hosting

I use FranTech/BuyVM for my DDOS-Protected IRC Shell and Web Hosting.


I've moved the Trivia game to channel #sextrivia. Same game, same everything. Enjoy!  🙂

Channel Rules

  1. See Dick flame or troll others.
  2. See Dick advertise other channels, websites, etc.
  3. See Dick trade or ask for pics or cams.
  4. See Dick repeat, repeat.
  5. See Dick be racist.
  6. See Dick be under 18. No underage nicknames.
  7. See Dick type in ALL-CAPS.
  8. See Dick talk about rape, bestiality, incest, snuff, pedos, politics or religion.
  9. See Dick get banned.
Our channel rules? Only one, really: Don't be a Dick!